Our secondary curriculum

The Key Stage 3 curriculum establishes a ‘launch pad’ for future success at the Halifax Academy and beyond. It builds upon the knowledge, skills and experiences gained from the Primary curriculum whilst introducing students to the exciting, wider world of our secondary curriculum.

Our curriculum in this foundation stage emphasises the key aspects of our ethos; Hearts, minds and communication (as outlines in our vision and values).

The formal curriculum provides:

– High quality teaching from subject specialists in English. All students are encouraged to develop a pleasure for reading which underpins their writing and broadens their understanding of the world around them.

– Mathematics taught to all students through a Mastery approach. Mathematics Mastery is an engaging and accessible style of mathematics teaching, inspired by Singapore and Shanghai. The approach is designed to enhance understanding and enjoyment, as well as raise attainment for every child. Mathematical concepts are explored in a variety of representations and problem-solving contexts to give pupils a richer and deeper learning experience

– Science lessons which encourage students to learn the skills neded to behave and think like a scientist and the knowledge that underpins how our world works.

Moving on

«We aim to provide all of our students with the skills and abilities to embark on the next phase of their education with confidence and enthusiasm at the end of Year 11.»

Key Stage 4

There are several different Key Stage 4 pathways available, some offer traditional academic subjects whilst others are characterised by more vocational courses which are set in the world of work. This allows us to offer as wide a range of courses to as many students as possible. These routes are not always exclusive of each other and sometimes pupils will find themselves in groups with students from other pathways.

During Key Stage 4 all students study:

• Mathematics – Students will study GCSE Maths
• English – Students will study English Literature in addition to English Language
• Science – Students will study either Combined Science or Separate Sciences – Physics, Chemistry and Biology
• PPE – Personal and Physical Education
• Religious Studies

As well as these subjects students have the option to choose from a range of examination courses to meet their interests and career aspirations. These include: Spanish, German, Geography, History, RE, Health and Social Care, Enterprise and Marketing, ICT, Computer Science, Sport, Drama, Art, Design and Photography.

More information

For further information about the Secondary curriculum at The Halifax Academy, please contact:


Year 7 – Ms Ghizala Saddique

Year 8 – Mrs Maja Kozic-Shaw

Year 9 – Mrs Lyndsey Round

Year 10 – Mr David Horsfall

Year 11 – Miss Natalie Hawkins


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