Year 9 student selected as Climate Summit Ambassador
Year 9 student Muhsin Mehrban has been selected as a Youth Climate Summit Ambassador. Working alongside other regional ambassadors, teachers and event organisers, Muhsin will promote and participate in the online Youth Climate Summit, taking place from 9-13 November 2020.
Coordinated by environmental charity Global Action Plan, the Youth Climate Summit will bring together young people from across the UK who are committed to taking action to address the climate emergency and sending a clear message about the expectations they have of the world leaders that represent them. The event aims to empower students and teachers to become more ambitious with their school commitments in tackling the climate emergency.
Muhsin will act as a voice for The Halifax Academy and our region, promoting discussion of the climate crisis, sharing ideas, making pledges for the planet with schools and organisations from around the UK and helping to maintain momentum after the online event.
After reaching the 2019 final of the S4TP (Solutions for the Planet) Big Ideas Competition, a national STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) competition, which took place at the Palace of Westminster, Muhsin was inspired to continue to work towards a more sustainable future and to be a force for positive change in the world.
Muhsin said: “I have chosen solely to undertake this role for the future generations and to let it be known that I did my best for the world, that I gave my best shot and that I was triumphant in my goal to make a better world. It is, I think, the single most important thing to always work towards: a better legacy, a better and safer world for the next generation, a world where the planet is not on the edge – barely thriving. I want to look up into the sky and be content that my legacy is not of a human who lived without considering the cost of my comforts and many luxuries, but of a human who tried make the world better one step at a time. A far cry from my current position, but one that I will work towards”.
Muhsin is committed to raising awareness of matters that he believes need to be addressed, teaching the people of Halifax about conservation of energy and natural resources and also seeking the opinions and ideas of young people and organisations worldwide.
We are extremely proud of the creativity and initiative shown by Muhsin, the effort and courage he has shown in his commitment to becoming an advocate for change. A student who epitomises the values of our Academy.